In Japan, around 44% of plastic waste is containers such as plastic bottles and food trays.
To reduce the amount of plastic waste, it is also necessary to reduce the number of plastic bottles.
For this reason, the number of stores where you can get free water if you bring your own water bottle is increasing little by little.
For instance, “Muji”, a Japanese retailer launched an initiative in July aimed at reducing plastic waste.
It installed water refill stations at over one hundred outlets across the country.
These will be available for use by anyone who brings their own water bottles, not just customers.
Moreover, “IKEA Japan”, a store that sells furniture, also has water machines in all 11 stores in Japan.
Vocabulary :
- 入れ物(入れもの):container
- 減(へ)らす:reduce
- 必要(ひつよう):necessary
- ペットボトル:pet bottle
- 水筒(すいとう):water bottle
- 増(ふ)える:increase
- 小売業者(こうりぎょうしゃ):retailer
- 廃棄物(はいきぶつ):waste
- 削減(さくげん):reduce
- 給水機(きゅうすいき): water machine
- 置(お)く:install
- 家具(かぐ):furniture
source: NHK WEB EASY news